Advalange develops and implements reliable IT solutions and embedded software for business and government to make everyone's life safer and more convenient.
I am open to communication with colleagues. I am open to everything new. I openly express my opinion on any work issues. I listen and hear the opinions of others.
I act in such a way that our team gets the result that the customer really needs.
We take responsibility for the decisions made and how they will affect the company, project, colleagues, customers.
Principles of "Effective use of the brain"
Principles of "Responsibility"
We don't make things look better than they really are.
We do not create an artificial appearance of work.
We do not sit idle and do not wait for tasks to be set.
We are not rude or take personal insults.
We do not accept discrimination on any grounds.
We do not leave work questions from colleagues and customers unanswered (calls, letters, etc.)
Make sure in a timely manner that you and your team have the same understanding of the task and the expected result. If you see that you cannot complete the task, then directly say so.
If you have no progress in solving the problem - ask colleagues for advice.
When solving a problem, look for the "golden mean": do not strive for endless improvement, do not dig in and do not be sloppy.